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Tasker Pro

4.8 ( 448 ratings )
Näringsliv Verktyg
Utvecklare: Tasker

Tasker is the first electronic platform to be managed and operated by a company that is specialized in maintenance and operation. Since all service providers are under the management and operation of Tasker, Join Tasker team and start earning great income with working hours flexibility.

Tasker includes many household and commercial services such as: Electrical services - plumbing - sewage - leaks - air conditioning - buildings and constructions - general cleaning - security systems and installation of cameras and surveillance devices - cleaning and installation - repairing umbrellas - repairing some electronics such as satellite and mobile phone. Tasker is the right choice for you. Join Tasker team and start earning great income with working hours flexibility.

تاسكر هي أول منصة إلكترونية يتم إدارتها وتشغيلها عن طريق شركة متخصصة في الصيانة والتشغيل. جميع مزودي الخدمة تحت إدارة وتشغيل تاسكر لذلك نحن نضمن لك جودة الخدمة المقدمة من مزودين خدمة تم تدريبهم وتأهليهم بعناية.
انضم لفريق تاسكر الآن وحقق دخل واعمل في الأوقات المناسبة لك.